Get started in 3 easy steps
Sign-up using your email address as an individual or business entity to oversee Pixout devices, including managing licensing purchases and obtaining invoices.
You can request new licenses or upgrade existing ones. When purchasing a Pixout License Key, specify the number of ArtNet DMX universes required.
You can pay for your purchases using credit cards such as MasterCard, Visa, AmEx, JCB, and various other secure payment methods facilitated by Stripe.
This cloud-based software is part of the Pixout ecosystem. Our passionate team has been innovating lighting solutions for over a decade, specializing in entertainment and show business projects.
We pride ourselves on exceeding client expectations and staying at the forefront of technology. Our goal is to bring your vision to life with cutting-edge lighting solutions that enhance spaces and reduce energy consumption.
Pixout Ltd has signed an agreement No Nr.17.2-5-L-2024/333 on 10 June 2024 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia on receiving support for export assistance under the project "Digital transformation and innovation of enterprises" co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
SIA Pixout 2024.gada 10.jūnija noslēdza līgumu Nr.17.2-5-L-2024/333 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu uzņēmuma digitalizācijas programmā “Latvijas Atveseļošanas un noturības mehānisma plāna 2. komponentes “Digitālā transformācija” 2.2. reformu un investīciju virziena “Uzņēmumu digitālā transformācija un inovācijas” 2.2.1.r. “Uzņēmējdarbības digitālās transformācijas pilna cikla atbalsta izveide ar reģionālo tvērumu” investīcijas “Atbalsts procesu digitalizācijai komercdarbībā”. Ar šo informējam arī citus uzņēmumus par iespēju pievienoties programmai.
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